Open Source Academic Publishing Suite

OS-APS enables XML-based workflows for media-neutral publishing (e.g. Open Access) without technical expertise and cost-intensive XML editing and content management systems. Corporate design can be controlled via existing typesetting templates or in detail with a template development kit.

The OS-APS STEMO enhancement project, funded by the BMBF from 09.2023 - 08.2025, is working on a better support for complex formulae, tables and images. Another focus is on the accessible design of the produced publications and the provision of an OS-APS online reader based on JATS/BITS-XML.

OS-APS can be tested live, hosted on its own or be extended under the MIT license (source code).
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OS-APS Introduction (Link to Youtube)

Project partners

Current project OS-APS STEMO

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg logo
SciFlow logo

Former project term OS-APS until 31/03/2023

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg logo
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg logo
SciFlow logo