Join us making publishing easier
Scientific Advisory Board
An advisory board has been established to accompany the project constructively and productively throughout its entire durationduration and to prioritise and steer the software development in the interests of the publishing community. The advisory board is contacted on project questions and concerns. It also fulfills an advisory function in the strategic planning and design of the project.
The advisory board is made up of small and medium-sized publishers, university presses, academic libraries, externally funded projects, and other committed players in the field of digital publishing and open science.
Interested? You can support us within or outside of the advisory boards. Just get in touch.
Members of the Scientific Advisory Board

De Gruyter Brill
Franziska Bühring
USB Köln, FID Philosophie
Yannik Hampf
Helmholtz Open Science Office, Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
Lea Maria Ferguson
Hochschule für Technik, Wissenschaft und Kultur Leipzig (HTWK Leipzig)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Grossmann
KIT Scientific Publishing
Christine Rhode
Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim, Open Science Office
Dr. Philipp Zumstein
Universität Potsdam, Universitätsbibliothek
Marco Winkler
ZB MED – Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften
Kyra Hennschen
Community Chat
Communication within the community takes place via slack:
Community Calls
For our Community Calls, we show online what’s new and take feedback and suggestions.
We are also happy to receive topics that you bring with you, which you are welcome to address briefly in the Community Slack.
The Community Calls occur every 3rd Wednesday of the month, 14.00-15.00.
Next Community Call:
- 19.March 2025 02:00 Uhr Zoom
The following institutions and publishers are already using OS-APS productively:
- FID Philosophie: Link zur Publikation