The OS-APS project


You can upload your own manuscripts to the demo site or watch a video for the import and export below.

Try it yourself

Try it now.

The file being used in the demo is this .docx file.

The files we used in one of our Community Calls to demonstrate the import of LaTeX files can be found in this .zip file.

Recorded demo

To get a quick impression of the import and export as PDF, HTML or XML, we have recorded demo videos.

Please note that sometimes the videos do not play in Firefox or Safari, but it works in Edge, Opera and Chrome.

Preparing and importing a manuscript

Exporting PDF, HTML, and XML with custom settings


Original Proposals

Original proposal OS-APS (DE)

Original proposal OS-APS STEMO (DE)


Borchert, C.; Cozatl, R.; Eichler, F.; Hoffmann, A.; Putnings, M. Automatic XML Extraction from Word and Formatting of E-Book Formats: Insight into the Open Source Academic Publishing Suite (OS-APS). Publications 2023, 11, 1.

Borchert, C., & Hoffmann, A. (2022). Open-Access-Publikationen mit OS-APS medienneutral und mit automatisiertem Corporate Design erstellen: Anforderungserhebung, Schlussfolgerungen für den Publikationsworkflow und Stand der Umsetzung. O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal / Herausgeber VDB, 9(4), 1–19.

Putnings, Markus, Borchert, Carsten and Cozatl, Roberto. “Ein Einblick in das BMBF-Projekt Open Source Academic Publishing Suite (OS-APS)” ABI Technik, vol. 42, no. 3, 2022, pp. 166-173.

Conferences and Workshops

Source Code

The libraries and templates are both available under a MIT style license.

The most important links are:

Last but not least, we do host an OS-APS instance ourselves if you do not want to run your own instance.

If you have feedback or questions, please feel free to join our Slack channel and start a conversation.